YooRecipe End Of Life


YooRecipe comes to an end as I do not have time to maintain it anymore. Subscriptions are now closed starting from Sep 27. SUPPORT REMAINS ACTIVE FOR ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS.

All the best!


Customize YooRecipe labels

YooRecipe has been translated into quite a few languages. Well. Here is how to update translations properly.

Introduction to Joomla labels

YooRecipe translations meet Joomla coding standards. They are all stored in UTF-8 encoded .ini files.

You could of course modify the .ini files directly. The main drawback is that, next time you update your YooRecipe version, all your modifications will be lost.

Fortunately, an elegant way to modify translation exists.

Frontend labels /languages/your_locale/your_localecom_yoorecipe.ini
Backend labels /administrator/languages/your_locale/your_localecom_yoorecipe.ini

Use the labels override mechanism

Joomla gives you the opportunity to redefine labels. What you need to do is to go to Extensions > Language Manager > Overrides

Joomla override labels page


  1. Click the New button in the Overrides backend page
  2. Search text you want to change.
    Joomla search label to override
  3. Put the new value and Save
Joomla 2.5.x You have to use your favorite text editor to find the constant associated with label.
  • Friday, 19 July 2013

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