YooRecipe End Of Life


YooRecipe comes to an end as I do not have time to maintain it anymore. Subscriptions are now closed starting from Sep 27. SUPPORT REMAINS ACTIVE FOR ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS.

All the best!


YooRecipe Scaffolding

YooRecipe is made of a component and a set of modules and plugins dedicated to cookbook management.

YooRecipe Component

Component is basically a recipe, a category and a comment manager.

From the component, you can organize your categories and create, edit, delete recipes. Recipes can belong to one or multiple categories. Categories can be nested.

Many options are available. They control how YooRecipe behaves or displays things (ex: US vs metrics units)

All comments made on your recipes can be moderated, edited, deleted from the comments manager view.

You can also manage ingredients units (g, kg, pounds, ...) and ingredients groups (sauce, side dish, topping, ...) that can be used in your recipes.

00 backend mainscreen


Modules can be displayed at template predefined positions and are similar to widgets. They all achieve a small piece of work

Recipes Module
This module displays recipes. Available options make it possible to show random, featured, most viewed, best rated or most recent recipes, from a given category or not
Single Recipe Module
This module displays a single recipes. Available options make it possible to show/hide recipe fields like title, ingredients, category, etc
Categories Module
This module displays recipe categories.
Counter Module
This module displays a count of total published recipes
Search Module
This module allows user to search recipes according to a various set of parameters (name, with or without ingredients, category, ...)
Favorites Module
When user is logged in, he can see the recipes he added as favourites
Reviews Module
This modules displays latest comments users left on recipes. Its functioning is similar to an activity stream.
Timer Module
This modules displays a nice Apple Looking animated timer. Your users can therefore stay on your website while they cook. They can trigger the timer for the amount of time they want. It is a countdown.
Gallery Module
This modules displays a gallery of recipe pictures. You have control over the recipe categories to use, the number of items to display, etc.


Plugins are small chunks of code that can be called when some actions are triggered or are used to enrich a feature

YooRecipe can be integrated with Community Builder or JomSocial thanks to plugins that displays user's recipes in his profile
sh404SEF plugin optimizes your URL rewriting by providing you with neat, short, google friendly URLs
Our XMAP plugin adds URLs of your recipes and their categories to your site map for a better and faster indexation from web crawlers.
New YooRecipe Search Plugin extends Joomla native search to provide user with YooRecipe results.
Remember!Some plugins (like YooRecipe CB plugin) do not install from Joomla Installer
  • Friday, 19 July 2013

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